Protect Your Business

with Cybersecurity.

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No-Obligation Consultation

The Threat is Real. Don’t Wait

Until It’s Too Late.


10+ Years of Experience


A+ Customer Satisfaction


Certified Security Experts

Security Today,

Growth Tomorrow.


At Hill Country Tech Guys, we take security seriously. We know that tools are only as good as the human knowledge that uses them. It feels like just a few short years ago that anti-virus was all you needed for your business to be secure. Today, threats are much more imminent. We believe in taking a proactive, layered approach to cybersecurity for your business. This ensures that you’re protected at every level, every step of the way.

Previous standards for cybersecurity included Antivirus, redundant backup, and a managed firewall. Layers of defense have always existed in cybersecurity, as there is not one impenetrable solution. While we always cover our bases, we’ve innovated the layered approach by building two additional package layers to help safeguard the security barriers in your business’ infrastructure. These innovations include HIPAA, SOC2, PCI, CMMC, security and risk assessments.

Core Solution

  • Our Core Package focuses on the biggest vulnerability in cybersecurity: the end users. Phishing emails, passwords, malicious websites, and unprotected devices lead to the greatest risk for business protection.
  • At Hill Country Tech Guys, we take security seriously. We know that tools are only as good as the human knowledge that uses them. It feels like just a few short years ago that anti-virus was all you needed for your business to be secure. Today, threats are much more imminent. We believe in taking a proactive, layered approach to cybersecurity for your business. This ensures that you’re protected at every level, every step of the way.

Active Security

  • Our Active Security focuses on threat behaviors and combines Human Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, and Innovative Algorithms to actively identify and deter cyber threats towards your business.
  • Our Active Security uses a Security Operations Center (SOC), which is human eyes, to respond to alerts from the layers which are watching both the behavior of devices and the communication among the infrastructure, for those that are out of the ordinary. This helps identify and isolate malicious “foot holds” that are intended to spread and attack. Our Artificial Intelligence looks for changes in behaviors of applications to further shield your business.

What Our

Clients Say

“Hill Country Tech Guys has been our go-to for security and compliance. We highly recommend them for your Security and Compliance journey.”
Melissa Buchanan

Director of Compliance Management, KDJ Consultants

“We are running a lot more smoothly and with less downtime than before onboarding with Hill Country Tech Guys.”
Dee Dee Eiland

CMOM, Blanco Regional Clinic

“The expertise they offer is very beneficial knowing they are going to handle our network without any issues.”
Theresa Bryard Garza

IT MGR/Vice President, First National Bank Port Lavaca

“You’re not getting an off-the-rack package, you’re getting a custom, tailored IT solution, and that is both rare and highly valuable.”
Nick Swanson

IT Manager, Beckwith Electronic Engineering Co.